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by Snowboss4492

whats the difference between a refugium and a sump filter with live rock? whats the basic laymans explination on how both of these things work and the pros and cons of having them?

Posts: 1307
Joined: Wed Dec 19, 2007 2:22 am

by saltwaterpimp

refugiums should be above the tank for best results. natural feeding for corals.sumpstyle you could run a sponge refugiums or like a algea scrubber to help lower nutrients. ther have been studies on algea scrubbers and to actualy work they need to be atleast the size of the tank. live rock will help biological activity. or you could add all of the above. dont forget a cleaner crew. idk if they are worth it or not.

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Joined: Sun Jan 27, 2008 12:31 am

by angus4481

i had a similar question to the boss's. i hav a plastic jar i cleaned out, drilled some holes, and i have it sittin in my tank. the water pumped into it (frome my filter)is slowly drained, the plants and lr are close to the light and working (similar) like a refugium. i saw how the plants did so i put my camel shrimp in it for 3 weeks(he's doin fine). my Q is, is it a refugium, or a mistake? (you can tell by my posts i do alot of expiraments, but its all done over close supervision of the tank)What do you think pimpin'?

Posts: 1307
Joined: Wed Dec 19, 2007 2:22 am

by saltwaterpimp

i have done stuff like that . and yes it is like a refugium. but does nothing for the tank, it 2 small.if you like it keep wont hurt....

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