2.5ft SunSun tank

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by Alasse

Steal away hun. and no need to be sorry *L*

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by Alasse

I've just bought a canister filter for this as well as dual T5 lights. Also bought some more rocks and pebbles, will hopefully get around to setting all the new stuff up tomorrow.

I'm also going to look at DIY CO2 for this tank at some stage. I also need to get some more sand for it, as the layer i have now isnt quite enough.

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by natalie265

That's beautiful. Great job.

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Location: QLD Australia

by Alasse

Thanx natalie

Well my partner just finished modifying the hood for me. Ripped out the built in lights, all wiring, cut holes for new lights cords and for canister filter pipes, siliconed up old filter holes (was missing when i bought tank) Just waiting for the drill to charge so we can do new holes for the tube holders, then install new tubes and get cords in place and try to get the ballist under the tank. Not an easy task when the tank is set up, that i can tell you. Installing the canister filter is gonna be a nightmare to be honest *L*. I may end up draining it for a hour then installing everything into the cabinet and refilling.

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Location: QLD Australia

by Alasse

Updated pic with new lights in
9807e-2.5ft 22nd Aug 2010.jpg

Posts: 993
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Location: QLD Australia

by Alasse

The tank now has a new canister on it. Will be getting some purigen to add to a small internal to keep the tannins at bay. Will give the new filter time to colonize up then we should be all good to finish stocking.

I pulled all the guppies out today,

So its just now got

1 redtail shark
3 bronze cories
7 neon tetras
4 peppermint bn
? riffle shrimp

Will be adding 3 bronze cories, 8-10 neons & 10 rummynose tetras over time

Posts: 993
Joined: Sun May 09, 2010 5:35 am
Location: QLD Australia

by Alasse

A new pic, scuse the bit of dirt on the sand, the tank needs a sand clean after the filter change over.

Plants are growing in really well now, please with how its going
f31af-2.5ft 5th Sept 2010.jpg

2.5ft SunSun tank

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