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by fishkeeper90

i purchased a purple tip anemone yesterday and he was perched on a rock in a place where you can see him but in no time at all he crawled inder my LR and u can barely see him. what should i do

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by fihsboy

let him be. the more you mess with him.......the more likely he is to die......if you let him be he will go where he is comfy according to flow patterns and lighting in your tank. If you dont see him coming out move a power head and he will move. When you move them you risk tearing there foot.........which equals death in most cases.

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by gumbii

i would take him out of where ever he is... i've never lost an entacmaea quadricolor before by just moving it...

if you leave it alone, it's not going to get light, and die off that way... put it on a rock and feed it... that way it stays on that rock...

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by blueshoes2208

ok...... ill tell you what i did with mine and ill let you do what you choose........ my nem was a bubble tip, not a purple tip but heres what i did. I was anxiuos and bought it with my tank being set up for 3 months, that was the first mistake........ it was a REALLY healthy nem tho, huge.... so i sat it in the bottom of my tank...... i had 5.5 watts per gallon btw with 2 65-watt pcs, and one 250 watt metal halide, the first 3 nights it stayed on the rock thing that i bought it, except it looked like it was completely inside out, i thoguht it was dead. Finally i moved it after 3 days, put it on a rock a little higher up and in the current of my koralia 4, and within a few hours it had moved to the corner of hte tank, off of hte POS rock it came on and then made its way to the top of hte tank. I let it roam wherever it wanted until it found a suitable spot... now its lost its color because i let my sg get WAY out of hand by accident a little while back but it has split twice, so now i have 3 nems. One disappears for weeks at a time lol. But yea... thats my story

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by puffedupseagull

They move because they are un happy.
It will come out for light when it needs it, then find its happy mediem

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by gumbii

i got my bta when my tank was 2 months old...

i have never ever lost one because i moved it... i've even taken them off the rocks before...

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by newbie916

My Pink Bubbletip always pops up in different places. You could adjust your flow a little and he should move. I just leave mine alone unless he's stinging my corals. That's when I usually adjust the flow.

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by breaknrun911

LEAVE IT!!!! i work @ my LFS on the wknds and we have our NEM's hiding in the most crazy spots. if that is where they wanna be then thats it. "IF IT AINT BROKE, DONT FIX IT."

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by jdak702

leave it...

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by puffedupseagull

Leave it


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