for the summer, I have been to eliminate the heater device yet beings the fish tank is positioned by the window (south side) and regulated by mini blinds, and also watching the temperature stay at 78 constant, I have achieved one less gadget in the tank
now all I have left the filter system (and I do not think I can eliminate that, it would be absolutely impossible)
so all that is in the tank outside of the living species (of course) is river pebbles, river rock, sandstone, slate, bogwood, live plants, and of course water
(course in the winter, unless I can have the room the tank is in provide enough heat to heat the tank to a constant 78 degrees, I will be forced to putting the heater device back into the tank...time will tell on this one)
so guys, my attempt to achieve an all natural ecosystem is almost can be done if the live plants and fish species and invertebrates are matched just right to the other components in the tank (outside of the filter system)