Planning on a new setup!

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Planning on a new setup!

by Edub

Hey everyone, Im planning on starting a 29 gallon FOWLR tank. (again)

But I need to know If my planning will be good!

I will have:

-about 50lbs of LR
-about 20lbs of Sand (dry)
-A SCWD wavemaker
-65W PC light

But I need to know what kind of filter(s) I need!
Please help, Im on a budget so no expensive filter please!

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by Snowboss4492

aquaclear 110 - HOB {hang on back}- cheap, bulletproof, high flow rate, workhorse filter - - -around 50 bucks

also don't be affraid to hang 2-3 smaller filters on there if you come across some cheap want to filter 3-5 times your tank capacity per hour, so its just a matter of math..................5 X 29 {round up to 30} = 150 gph

the 110 does 60-100 gph by itself

3 - 30to50 gph filters

etc etc.............................


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by nicholas542

you could look into a marineland penguin 150 hob powerfilter aswell. They range from $35- $50 dollars and move 150 GPH out of the box.

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by Edub

So, would I be ok with a few HOB filters, and maybe a canister?

(I'm not planning on having alot of fish!)

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by fihsboy

I would do one or the other.....if you run a bunch of filters.....your cost of replacing them is going to suck. Just get a Aqua Clear 110 you will be fine. Get yourself a aqua C remora....and your filtration is complete. You will have NO problems at all. If you want to hide that crap......get a sump..or a wet dry if your doing FOWLR.

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by lionlord3502

if it were me there is no need for a sump on a tank that small the sump wound be as big if not bigger then the tank. mareinland makes one of the best filters on the markit and if thay brake parts are ez to come by. if you want to hid it. i would yous a magnum 150 canister filter. one would do the job about 100$ and it yoused a heppa type cartrig so insted of replaceing it you can rinse and reuse in the long run saveing money. pluse you olny have 2 tubes runing into the tank that are ez to hide.

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by blueshoes2208

or you could jus go overboard like me and get the fx5 :)

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by Snowboss4492

just a thought from expierience, and i think most of the others will admit the same thing

you are thinking things through here and thats a good thing, {some don't even do that} and you are being frugal with your purchases, again very garages, these tanks are never big enough and you WILL want to go bigger down the road, so if you can swing it, get the biggest filter like the ones Lionlord suggested, and if you save up some money and bump up the tank size, you will already have a good filter in place, it will be established {seasoned} and your next cycle should be much easier and quicker - - - -not a necesity, but it happened to me, lol and like i said i'm sure im not the only one, just a thought


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by nicholas542

That's a good point when I bought my filters I bought ones that will take up to a 100 gallon tank because eventually I am going to get a bigger tank. When I first got my 40 gallon I thought this thing is huge. Then I added 60-70 lbs. of live rock and almost 10 corals, and the size is shrinking. Now i'm to the point where I want a 100-150 gallon for a reef.

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by fihsboy

AGREED I put a sump on mine....because one day im going bigger. Plus I have a scooter blenny....that eats copepods....and without my sump he wouldnt live.

Planning on a new setup!

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