Well I finally did it,got 2 new members for the happy family

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Discuss all topics related to freshwater and planted tanks.

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by Sumthing_Fishy

Well shoot! Maybe I can trade the oscars for some nicer fish. I was going for them because of the snail problem and to keep the platy population under control, but wanted more than 2 fish in that tank. I know... do you think the parrot cichlid would go well in the 125 gallon tank with freshwater community fish like tetras, silver dollars, mollies, platies, guppies, etc.? I like the look of the parrot and would like 2 if possible, a red and a yellow one.

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by ChristinaBug2890

Iv heard many different things about parrots and to be honest I think it depends on the individual fish. One of my parrots is shy and peaceful and the other is a monster that could hold its own even in a tank of agressive fish...So if you go with those dont be surprised if there are some problems with them. Aaaalso...Iv seen some that dont get larger than a few inches across and a few inches wide (they're roundish as you know) but I'v also seen them completely gigantic...my boyfriends mom has one that is freakishly huge and looks too huge for even a 70ish gal tank.

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by miami754

Yeah, parrots are in general hard to predict. They are a man-made creation and as far as I know, people aren't even sure what was hybridized to create them (although we have some good guesses). As with all hybrids, you just don't know how they are going to act.

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by Sumthing_Fishy

I still want to try one, i'll have a net standing by

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by a1k8t31524

i honestly think you need to figure what you will do with toes oscars... before you go grab a few more fish they will rapidly outgrow that 30 gallon of yours, another thing is i read in an article not to long ago that oscars tend to gourge themselves, so if there is food present, if they are hungary or not they will just eat, eat, eat, and eat, untill they just cant eat anymore, and this is extreamly unhealthy for them...

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by Tmercier834747

Yeah I can vouch for that. My dwarf puffer and striped raphael catfish are good examples of fish that eat until all food is consumed. Shortly after I got the catfish it didn't take long to realize I was overfeeding him as he looked as though he was ready to burst, and there was never any leftover food in the tank no matter how much I put in.

But as everyone else has stated I think your biggest problem is going to be where to house the oscars. Since you already have a tank of size to do so with (the 125)...consider going planted. Fish that would disappear into the mouths of these oscars in your 30gal might stand a much better chance of survival with more territory to hide in, in the 125. Dense plantings and the opporunity for the oscars to be completely out of sight of prey may mean that you can still keep community fish with them. It's also possible it could just be prolonging the inevitable death of the community fish and making the oscars better hunters. lol

Just my 2 cents.

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by Sumthing_Fishy

I'll figure out something, bigger tank in the future probably, but right now, they aren't but 2-1/2 inches long and 1-1/2 inches wide.

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by Peterkarig3210

Interesting solution T

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by Zambize4899

Fishy -
I think we've had this discussion before, but I'll be frank, as usual. It would have taken about 2 minutes of research to know that those Oscars will be far too large (and really FAST) for your tank. It's my opinion, I think it's irresponsible to hold the fate of any live animal in your hands without research as well as proper consideration and preparation. In my opinion it's just not cool to "try out" things on live animals that could easily suffer because of someone's whim.


Posts: 193
Joined: Fri Mar 28, 2008 2:47 am

by Sumthing_Fishy

I researched oscars and know that they will get too big for a 30 gallon tank. I started them off in the 30 gallon as they are 2-1/2 inches long and 1-1/2 inches wide and only 2 of them. I also know some people who have had 2 of them live in a 30 gallon tank for 2 years before they out grew the tank. I have had these for about a month now. Some can research all day long and still harm fish and some can keep fish without losing any without doing research at all.

Well I finally did it,got 2 new members for the happy family

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