lowering pH level

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lowering pH level

by littlej2455

hey, I need to lower my pH level and I ran out of my buffer. Is there another alternative to lower my pH level? Will doing a water change reduce my pH level? Thanks. 125 gallon.

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by a1k8t31524

depends on what the PH of the water you are changing it out with is, and how big of change you are doing. I am fredh water and i know that my drift wood bufferes my PH alow but i dont know if there is a saltwater equivilent to driftwood

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by schigara

Direct addition of vinegar or soda water is a good way to accomplish lowering ph. Either one mL of distilled white vinegar, or six mL of soda water, per gallon of tank water will give an initial pH drop of about 0.3 pH units. Add either to a high flow area that is away from organisms.

What is the current PH? A ph of 7.8 to 8.6 is nothing to worry about.

Posts: 193
Joined: Sun Jan 20, 2008 4:30 am

by littlej2455

I am right at 8.6 but I would like to have it at 8.3 because some of my fish need a consistent pH level

lowering pH level

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