more guppy fry!!!

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Joined: Fri Dec 28, 2007 8:52 pm

more guppy fry!!!

by edathome19824077

Well here we are! the day i set up my new breeding tank and my guppies start to drop! missed the one but still got two to go! so my community tank is now awash with baby fry all hiding and then desperately trying to escape the bullies! well i will leave these ones to see how many survive! Also i released all my older fry yesterday and they all appear to be fine! Not one casualty yet! although i lost another male guppy today! thats both of my tuxedos now! and i had to boil one of my silver tip tetra too! so some good and bad all in one day!!!

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Joined: Wed Oct 24, 2007 3:04 am

by Peterkarig3210

Boil your tetra?What do you mean? I'm hoping my male talapia with a mouth full of fry doesn't eat them so I can raise a bunch of their babies when they get too big to hide in dadies mouth. Any suggestions?

more guppy fry!!!

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