live rock question

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Posts: 34
Joined: Sun Mar 02, 2008 7:16 pm

live rock question

by jeff

I have a 30 mgal tank with only 40 watts of light,for now. I use red sea salt at 1.023. Amonia is 0,and nitrites are .025. My question is the live rock is getting large white areas on it. When I clean the rock with a turkey baster it flacks of in a white cloud. Is this because of low lighting or is it dieoff from somthing else

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Joined: Sun Jan 27, 2008 11:24 pm

by Snowboss4492

it could be a combination of everything.............nothing to stress about.....if you have a power head, point it directly at the rock....this will help keep it clean and it will help with coraline growth .................i would definately look into better lighting as soon as you can afford it . .....i am not 100 % sure why the rock gats powdery like that ...Schigara light know...but when i boosted my circulation it really cleaned up nicely...............Boss

live rock question

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