live rock in

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live rock in

by Snowboss4492

well after a week and and a half cycle......i just added 22 lbs of Fiji live rock to the 22 lbs doesn't go as far as you'd think................the rock is beautiful, lots of green and even some purple out of the box...i lost a little color during the cycle but i thinkit'll come right back.............made some pretty cool caves and left some nice flat areas for corals in a few weeks................i'll get some pics when i get my camera out of my work truck....................the hermit crab slept through the whole installation process and then it was feeding time.......he jumpe up {as usual} and ran right into a new rock wall.....then he kinda stood there as if to say "WTF?" when did this get here? lol

Question: what does everybody use as far as trace elements and stuff for "feeding" their live rock? I bought some Kent Marine reef's suposed to have trace elements in it but i haven't put any in yet, i just mixed a batch up for wedensdays water change..............i didn't really care for the texture of it .....but we'll see...any body got an opinion on salt mixes? I was useing instant ocean...................


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by makavelithedon963941

i dont feed my liverock, i didnt even know i had to, lol. but it seems to be doing fine, all kinds of little critters and sponge, plants, and tons of coralline, i think ull be fine without feeding it. and for salt, i use alot of Instant Ocean products for my tank and the IO reef crystals seem to work great. start using some purple up, it will spread that little bit of coralline algae to alot, do you use any calcium/alkalinity supplements?

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by Snowboss4492

no addatives at all right now.......i was useing a PH buffer a while back but only dosed on 2 water changes and it's back to normal now......i will look into Purple up for the coraline.....thanks man, Boss

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by makavelithedon963941

i wouldnt worry about it right now, but definitly grab some before you decide to start adding coral

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by schigara

No special feeding needed. Just water changes 10% per week.

Kalkwasser to maintain calcium and alkalinity.

The only things I feed are the fish and they, in turn feed all the coral with their poop.

Fish poop is the best food for coral inverts and filter feeders

All synthetic salts have the major and minor trace elements.

The major difference in any salt mix is the amounts of Calcium, Alkalinity and magnesium.

live rock in

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