In our endless search for more water current in our tanks....can there be to much current for certain types of fish?
I have 3 clowns and a large anemone hermit crab..........they all seem to be hanging out in the back corner of the tank, the only thing i can see for a reason is that that particular spot in the tank is the lowest water current. I am running a red sea prizm HOB skimmer {not a crazy amount of return water but some and a Hagen 110 HOB filter {5 times the capacity of the tank} and that's A LOT of return to the tank, the fish almost never journey into that side of the tank, i am also running a power head for suface adjitation on the "low flow" side of the tank..........should i look into lowering my current with a different filter or something....LMAO ...... most advice on the forum is to boost water flow, leave it to the snowboss to over compesate, suggestions????? Boss
20 gallon long tank 12x12x30
water current ?
15 posts • Page 1 of 2
saltwaterpimp - Posts: 1307
- Joined: Wed Dec 19, 2007 2:22 am
its all up to your tank boss every ones tank is might need to be lowered but idk.clown fish will rarely leave there spot. now if you had a tang or chromis ect and they where hidding i would say yes lower the current.
Snowboss4492 - Posts: 2098
- Joined: Sun Jan 27, 2008 11:24 pm
ic .....i can't really lower the current anymore unless i downgrade the filter or go to a canister with a pipe return like a sump set up ....i have the hagen turned all the way down ... Boss
Snowboss4492 - Posts: 2098
- Joined: Sun Jan 27, 2008 11:24 pm
yeah i'm planning on that ....although i've got it turn way down and it's pointed at the top for the most part ........but ill try it, thanks
snowboss - Posts: 458
- Joined: Mon Jan 28, 2008 6:53 pm
nope their over in the back corner....they came out a little bit last night, but this morning their back in the corner again...maybe that's just their favorite place....the ol hermit crab is going crazy all over the tank...he's like a bulldozer
snowboss - Posts: 458
- Joined: Mon Jan 28, 2008 6:53 pm
he's about the size of a good plumb prolly 2 inches across, so yeah i'd say he's large, he has 2 anemones on his shell they are kinda purple, he has spines [like hair all over him and is whiteish to tan...i paid 9 bucks for him ...he cool as hell, Boss
angus4481 - Posts: 199
- Joined: Sun Jan 27, 2008 12:31 am
lol.. ya they are cool. i got 2 different lg crabs, 1 red and the other is white. the white one (golf ball size)i got for 13.50/w anenome on its shell. the red one i got for 26 bux, he was about the size of a golf ball when i got him, now hes the siz of a baseball. my red crab picks up my rocks that wiegh bout 2-3lbs and moves them for to him i dig in my tank less now. watch the crab closely as he gets bigger, it will go for your fish. has urs make a burrow yet?