New at Aquascacping
3 posts
loveaquascapes - Posts: 1
- Joined: Mon Oct 30, 2017 4:18 am
New at Aquascacping
Hello. I have 10 tropical fish (tetras and some others). I've had the tetras since 2015 and recently purchased the others a week ago. I would love to aquascape the tank, but do not want to cause stress to the fish by moving them to another smaller tank while I decorate the tank. I want some opinions please. Do you think I should proceed or it's not worth it? Right now the tank is very basic with gravel only and a big rock and medium treehouse-like structure. Nothing else, besides the heater, lights, filter, etc.
friend_of_fish - Posts: 78
- Joined: Sun Aug 07, 2016 10:25 am
Re: New at Aquascacping
I don't normally remove the fish to rescape the tank. It depends how much you want to do though. If you're replacing the substrate you will (of course) need to remove the fish while you do it. But if you're just wanting to put in some decor or add some plants you can very carefully do it with the fish still in the tank.
blenny - Posts: 74
- Joined: Fri Aug 26, 2016 7:08 pm
Re: New at Aquascacping
I don't think it would stress them too much but the main thing is that you re-acclimate them correctly when you're putting them back in.