Boyfriend's fear of my eel

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Boyfriend's fear of my eel

by saratang

My boyfriend thinks my eel is scary! I thought it was funny but he thinks it might be an actual phobia? Can you overcome such a thing? I never really hear about people overcoming their fear of spiders etc.

My eel is one of my favorite fish so no way am I finding it a new home. I guess my boyfriend will just have to not look at the tank when the eel is out and about!

Does anyone else have a partner with a phobia to their fish or is this unusual? :?

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Re: Boyfriend's fear of my eel

by kate_kuhli

Personally, I just can't understand an irrational fear of animals. I'm not afraid of heights or flying but I get why people are - it's a survival instinct. If you fell from a great height you would get hurt. But being afraid of looking at an eel in an aquarium - it just doesn't make sense.

Sorry, I know that's not much help but I don't know what to advise!

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Re: Boyfriend's fear of my eel

by reefer171

I've heard of plenty of people who have a phobia of their partner's pet snakes or spiders, etc. I suppose it would be a bigger deal when it's an aquarium because a snake or spider vivarium isn't necessarily going to be on full display and isn't normally considered a relaxing thing to watch. But if your eel isn't always in view you can just tell him when he can look, I suppose. Not ideal, but unless he's willing to work on overcoming his fear, there isn't much that can be done about it.

Boyfriend's fear of my eel

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