Switch to halides?

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Switch to halides?

by fihsboy

I have a 29 gallon tank with a nano reef in it. I have a few brain corals but thats it. I was looking at upgrading to a metal halide. I currently have a coralife aqualight w/lunar lights and its pretty nice. I was just wondering if 4.3 watts per gallon would be enough. Its pretty bright....but I could see it being a little brighter. I would like to hold a few stonies as well. Would it be worth the money to upgrade?

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by Deltasigpony3648

go with t5 with the right arrangement it beats output of mh + they run cooler, look sleeker, and might be cheaper i think im getting tek t5 when i need new bulbs oh and bulbs last longer and are cheeper

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by Snowboss4492

not to mention 1/3 rd the cost to operate

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by eazy4647

yeaa man...u should look at the nova extreme t5! goes for like 200. with 4 seperate bulbs!! meaning u can use 2 actinic and two daylights..or 1 atinic and 3 daylights and so on. check it out u might like it. das wat im ordering next week!! ;] lol im excited to get it so i can start gettin coralsssssssss :)

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by fihsboy

Thanks Guys. Anyone Know where I could find one thats 30" long?

Posts: 70
Joined: Tue Jan 29, 2008 7:08 am

by somalia123

ive read and have heard from some smart people that mh are the best and if you want sps and clams you need them, but heat and cost are a big factor

Switch to halides?

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