Two small glofish sucked up against the intake for filter

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Joined: Fri Aug 12, 2016 8:56 am

Two small glofish sucked up against the intake for filter

by david79

I have lost two glofish in two days sucker up against the intake for the filter frist one was done past away when found the other one got him off and he swim half away across yank then flipped upside down and was gone any ideals why this has happen

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Joined: Fri Jul 29, 2016 2:04 am
Location: Florida

Re: Two small glofish sucked up against the intake for filte

by kate_kuhli

Is the filter intake too strong? Can they get sucked up against it as they swim past? Glofish are fast but tiny little fish so this could easily happen. I'd put some pantyhose or similar around the filter intake so it isn't so strong.

Two small glofish sucked up against the intake for filter

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