125 gallon tank needs a change help

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Re: 125 gallon tank needs a change help

by DanDman18

So all you're keeping is the silver dollars, and getting rid of the african and south american cichlids?

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Re: 125 gallon tank needs a change help

by natalie265

I think there are few things as pretty as a school of silver dollars. I'd add more of those. Not many people have a tank big enough to house a school of silver dollars. They are much happier and less skittish in a school.

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Re: 125 gallon tank needs a change help

by natalie265

Remember, silver dollars are semi-aggressive, and as you know, get quite large. Guppies would be a poor choice because they are small and slow swimming and would probably get eaten. Gouramis could probably work. What kind of tetra were you thinking? I think about 7 silver dollars and a school of a colorful, medium sized tetra would look really nice, you'd just have to be careful to pick a tetra that wouldn't get bullied by the silver dollars.

But back to Dan's question: are you getting rid of everything else and keeping only your silver dollars? That will definitely affect what you can put in the tank.

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Re: 125 gallon tank needs a change help

by dream2reef

bala sharks just sayin 6 or 7 of them.

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Re: 125 gallon tank needs a change help

by natalie265

A couple other ideas: i think odessa barbs or tiger barbs would look really nice with the silver dollars.

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Re: 125 gallon tank needs a change help

by outofexile

I would not recommend 6-7 bala sharks. They get to about 1 foot long. Maybe 3?

I like the idea of "A couple other ideas: i think odessa barbs or tiger barbs would look really nice with the silver dollars." That would be nice

I would also maybe look into some clown loaches.

Also maybe like 6 Synodontis Multipunctatus Catfish

Maybe 4 red tailed sharks

Maybe a ghost Knife

Maybe a pair of Datnoids for example Gold Datnoid

Try looking at Redfin Prochilodus.

Those are some of my suggestions. I am not saying to get all but look at those and pick some.

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Re: 125 gallon tank needs a change help

by dream2reef

7 times 12 84 in 125 gal idk I'm new here. Some fronts maybe but I really hate them think I'm going to breed them though they give 14 bucks for four day old fry idk. I suck at math though.

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Re: 125 gallon tank needs a change help

by dream2reef

I had 31 neons 7 rainbows 2 gold guarmis a betta hmmm a few other randoms in my 125 once. I sold them all for a few cichlids. It was boring. But some nice angels would be nice they can get big as well as the dollars.

125 gallon tank needs a change help

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