Freshwater beginner
8 posts
rhino1279 - Posts: 3
- Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2012 11:23 pm
Freshwater beginner
I have recently gotten back into the hobby and love it! The last tank I had was when I was a kid and to be honest, the folks got stuck doing all the work lol. I have a 55 gallon freshwater aquarium that has been running for about 3 months now. I currently have 2 blue German rams, 6 diamond tetras and 2 bristlenose pleckos. I have wanted to have a larger, and as colorful, a fish as I can in my tank as a centerpiece so to speak. I know that Oscars and cichlids are out of the question but I was wondering if there were any other possibilities. I want to make sure to not over crowd the tank and do have another tank I could put a some fish in but would like to avoid that if at all possible. My water temperature is at 79 degrees F and my water quality is excellent. I don't have specific numbers for nitrates etc, but I have it tested regularly with no issues. I have a driftwood piece in the center and fake plants. Any input would be greatly appreciated on a fish that could act as acenterpiece as I described. Thanks.
mcfaddy212000 - Posts: 91
- Joined: Thu Oct 20, 2011 2:20 am
First I'd like to say nice tank and that I love the looks of rams, if it was me I would put angels with them. Oh and by the way rams are part of the Cichlids family if you didn't allready know and so are angels.
Alasse - Posts: 993
- Joined: Sun May 09, 2010 5:35 am
- Location: QLD Australia
I wouldnt put angels in there.
i'd put some nice large gouramis. The gold gourami would look stunning
i'd put some nice large gouramis. The gold gourami would look stunning
rhino1279 - Posts: 3
- Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2012 11:23 pm
Thanks for the input. Yes I knew the rams were in the cichlid family but I took a chance on them since they were supposed to be the most docile. I guess time will tell. So far they seem to be getting along with the other fish but the one seems to be a bit of a bully to the other one and territory is definitely being established. I have thought of the gouramis but have read in a couple spots that they are much more aggressive as they get older. I really liked how they looked and yes the gold ones would really add that color I am looking for. Have you had any experience with them? If you think they will work with the other Gish in the tank I would love to give them a try. Plus, it appears that they do not get too big so the tank support them.
Alasse - Posts: 993
- Joined: Sun May 09, 2010 5:35 am
- Location: QLD Australia
I have pearl goramis and a blue gourami at present, they get a bit bully, but not like angels can be.
I have kept gold gouramis before, they really are a beautiful fish and again had a school of them with nothing out there in the way of aggression.
That Ram is a cutie. I've just ordered some for one of my tanks (blue and longfin golds)
I have kept gold gouramis before, they really are a beautiful fish and again had a school of them with nothing out there in the way of aggression.
That Ram is a cutie. I've just ordered some for one of my tanks (blue and longfin golds)
natalie265 - Site Admin
- Posts: 746
- Joined: Sat Nov 01, 2008 9:48 pm
Your rams are beautiful. I got a pair of rams last year (i can't remember now if they were German or Bolivian), but they both died within a week, and i was too discouraged to try them again.
I'm on a huge rainbow fish kick at the moment. Red irians and turquoise rainbows are a couple of my favorites. But honestly, i like the gourami suggestion and that might be a better fit with the fish you already have.
Personally, i think angels make a wonderful centerpiece fish, but unless you get a decent size school of them, you do risk problems with aggression.
I'm on a huge rainbow fish kick at the moment. Red irians and turquoise rainbows are a couple of my favorites. But honestly, i like the gourami suggestion and that might be a better fit with the fish you already have.
Personally, i think angels make a wonderful centerpiece fish, but unless you get a decent size school of them, you do risk problems with aggression.