Discus fish experts need ur help.

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Posts: 61
Joined: Thu Feb 17, 2011 6:00 pm

Discus fish experts need ur help.

by djjai_h

My friend is planning to shitf his discus fishes to my home.

1. My tank 36in X 15in X 20in Tank is a sample only water in it.

2. Its only possible to get few gallons of water to bring from my friends house he live about 19miles away.

3. I will be bring them in a air tight half filled with water bag.

4. My tank requires 45gallon but i will be bring 8Gallons of water from my friends discus tank.

5. So i can add R.O water into my tank and mix the 8gallon of water which i wil be gettin frm my friend.

6. After that i can add the discus fishes direct to my tank or no ?

Posts: 6
Joined: Fri Jan 07, 2011 2:56 am

by oscarrob08

just do a slow drip acclimation for like 2 to 3 hours and they should be fine make sure the water temp is about 84 to 86 degrees also is there any fish in ur tank now how discus how big all these things matter enough hiding places

Posts: 61
Joined: Thu Feb 17, 2011 6:00 pm

by djjai_h

Should i make hiding place with plant or something else, should i make the hiding places at the bottom or middle or higher.

Discus fish experts need ur help.

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