Hi there ppl some sad news today as i was nearing the end of my diy background project i had to put my fish in temporary habitat being my water change buckets split down to minimise aggresion due to smaller space so went to work checked fish inn the morning all were fine BG looked good so was pleased and eager to get home.
8 hours later i arrive home to find buckets of brown murky water and 2 empty food tubs, 1 nutafin aquasafe, PH up, and half a empty droplet testing kit for my paramiters lets just say im not a happy chappy.
i later found out from the other half she witnessed our 2yr old son playing around the area and thought nothing of it as he was with cars at the time now im left with a good looking tank setup and no fish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will indefinatly end up buying more but i fancy a change from cichlids what sort of tank should i go for bare in mind my BG is designed for cichlids full of caves and hidey holes i dont want guppies of infinate numbers of random fish do you guys have and ideas.
All my fish gone bye byes
32 posts • Page 1 of 4
christofrontosa - Posts: 42
- Joined: Sat Apr 24, 2010 10:41 pm
i know you say you want to try something other than cichlids but have you thought of cichlids from another area? i am in love with Tanganyikan cichlids. you could have a sweet set up shell dwellers for the bottom maybe a few comressiceps or lamprologous of any variety for your caves and some cyprichromis for the mid to high level. makes for an interesting tank. so sorry to hear about your loss! my two year old is guilty of putting all kinds of things in my tanks. he thinks they like animal crackers.
mzhantsche - Posts: 115
- Joined: Sun Aug 15, 2010 10:27 am
Dude i feel for ya. You had some beautiful fish. Kids like looking at fish but they really don't mix too well. And the wife's never are as concerned about the tanks as much as you are. hahahaha At least you get to start over.
esparzar1 - Posts: 164
- Joined: Fri Jan 30, 2009 5:31 pm
I know that you had Africans in the past, what about SA Cichlids? In my opinion Cichlids are the only way to go. Either Africans, Central, SA, New World....there are lots of options but I would vote for some type of Cichlids.
Kingys_dog - Posts: 48
- Joined: Mon Aug 23, 2010 8:57 pm
Hi chris ive looked at tanginikans but from pics i seen there is not to much colour in them and not to clued up on them so not sure i dont like new aage or american to big for the skocking levels i want i think you mean oscars or fire mouth , flowerhorn type things dont like angels
mzhantsche thanks yeah thats whats keeping me going getting to atsrt with cute baby ones again lol
mzhantsche thanks yeah thats whats keeping me going getting to atsrt with cute baby ones again lol
esparzar1 - Posts: 164
- Joined: Fri Jan 30, 2009 5:31 pm
Tangs have lots of colors and styles if you know what your looking for. Check out cichlid-forums.com under the profile page. They have descriptions on hundreds of cichlids (fonts, tangs, mbuna, SA, central american, new world, haps, peacocks, lake vic)....the list goes on and on......just my 2 cents :)
Tangs have lots of colors and styles if you know what your looking for. Check out cichlid-forums.com under the profile page. They have descriptions on hundreds of cichlids (fonts, tangs, mbuna, SA, central american, new world, haps, peacocks, lake vic)....the list goes on and on......just my 2 cents :)
christofrontosa - Posts: 42
- Joined: Sat Apr 24, 2010 10:41 pm
if it's color you wish for? here it is. the cyprichromis females are rather bland but males are striking! they don't color up for a while but that is part of the fun (unless you don't have the patience) the multis don't have much color but they really make up for it with their interesting behavior.
christofrontosa - Posts: 42
- Joined: Sat Apr 24, 2010 10:41 pm
if you are interested here is a good site to view a bunch of tanganyikans.
http://www.seriouslyfish.com/kb.php?t=p ... yika+Lates
http://www.seriouslyfish.com/kb.php?t=p ... yika+Lates
Kingys_dog - Posts: 48
- Joined: Mon Aug 23, 2010 8:57 pm
hi chris thanks for link good stuff i went shopping today got more malawis seen the yellow one with a silver and black one with blue line on dorsal fin really nice but the malawis were babys so i fell in love instantly also got two baby synodontus cats unsure of type yet but lets just say im redevoted after a few days of deep depression