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by Peterkarig3210

It's been raining for 2 days in LA ........FINALLY!!!

Boss.......If anyone can get their shit back together you can.

Hope the family stress is improving. PK

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by Snowboss4492

not much improvement on the family front as of yet ........but im working on a new truck {new to me} its 94 dodge 12 valve cummins diesel, already has a bigger turbo, big fuel cam in the injector pump and 4 inch exhaust, we started yesterday pulling the flat dump bed off and cleaning the frame all up, ive got a short flat bed {non dump} for a goose neck hitch and a haul pak tool box {2 feet wide and the width and heighth of the cab} to put on and we're gonna run a 6 inch stack right up the center behind the tool box witha huge anoying flapper on the top er er er er she's gonna be a redneck hot rod boys !!!!

ive been doing a lot of research on new equipment and the closeing on our house is schedualed for the end of next Boss's life is good, a struggle right now but good ....hopefully the family will come around someday, but yes PK i am starting over and we are pulling it all together's actually pulling my wife and I closer together by the day and we were already so close it makes people

thank you all for your thoughts and support it is much apprieciated !!!!


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by puffedupseagull

sorry for the down turn in work boss, Is it true that 1 American loses his house to the bank every 7 seconds in today's financial economy.

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by fihsboy

I know its got to be. My mom pays all of our bills, and they cut her back at her job a little bit, and now we cant make the house payment. I paid the house payment the last two months, but now I dont have any money were just sitting here waiting to see if they will refinance.....and so far they only lowered our house payment down by 200 dollars......yeah, like thats going to make a difference. Its rough, but its opening peoples eyes.

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by puffedupseagull

Man thats bad
Sorry to heart that
Can your stinking government give a stimulus package to everyone, like ours did to counteract the recession. We also are getting bonus payments in our tax this year
Do your government do anything right or just pull their cocks all day like most hollywood stars

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by fihsboy

We got a stimulus.........and we are getting it in our checks every pay check. Problem amounts to 10-15 bucks a week. Which is not helping anyone. And what 90% of americans dont realize is.......they still have to pay taxes on they are going to owe MORE to the government when it comes tax time next year. So its really not helping. The real problem is.....theres a lot of good ideas out there.......but none of the congressmen/women will grow the balls and make a decision. They are all afraid of not getting elected. I think the true solution to most of America's problems is to make ALL seats in the government have a set amount of time you can be in the seat. (Term limits) These congressmen who have been at it for 30+ years, need to get the hell out of there. Republicans AND Democrats. I have been thinking about this one too.......I think ALL new houses should be heavily taxed, and you should be offered a tax cut if you move into an older house, or if you tear down an old house and build on the same lot. Theres a lot of property just sitting around the US........A LOT. I know in my town........theres at LEAST 10 brand new apartment complexes that have no one in them at all. Which is rediculous..........Thoughts?

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by blueshoes2208

yeah ive got thoughts....... im payin a rediculous amount of social security for my part time job in which im paying for boss's new corals here n a few years.......... wtf.............. time i get old ill prolly be paying for the youngsters retirement funds..........

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by Snowboss4492

LMAO not that old yet bud.........jeez

what the hell fishboy? you dont think senator strom thermon at the age of 95 was very productive or up on the new times???? LMAO that was complete sarcasm by the way

i agree..............term limits would help some but they also cause a new set of we are paying for shit that bush senior did and he was only in for 8 yrs............term limits have to coinside with laws and budgets - - - any president shouldnt be allowed to set a budget up for 10-15-20 years when they no full well in 4 or 8 years another president will be sitting and change everything all over again

and these friggin AIGs and companies that we the taxpayers are bailing out showing record profeits?!?!?!?! really??? are they paying the government back? no their continuing to foreclose on people and wondering what their gonna do with their 2 million dollar bonuses - - FUCK THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

how about instead of forcloseing on a house and having no money coming in you cut the interest and let us make discounted payments on the principle for a year then re-evaluate and bring the payment up a little and so on until the market is back and stable - - - they still have money coming in - -we get to keep our homes - i dont see the problem here

and on another note------ dont get all excited about the stock market going above 10,000 again - - - it hit 10k in 1999 and took until the crash last year to hit 14,000 - - we just went from 6500 to 10,000 in 6-8 months???? i dont think so...........those are inflated fake futures numbers - - THE SAME PROCESS THAT GOT US HERE PEOPLE

all i can say each night watching the news inbetween balloon boys and whose hair looks better on the red carpet is ..........


love you all, sorry i got off on a rant, it's all puffs


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by blueshoes2208

well....... im not educated enough, and i lack the dedication to talk about health care and stock markets and i think i read something about a senator......... until i get old enough to understand it all, right now i just see my self as one individual that cant do anything about anything so why care..... i voted and thats all i can do , in my opinion anyways, maybe here in a few years , maybe the end of the world in 2012 ill care a little more

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by fihsboy

Yeah, Im thinking that the whole 2012 thing may be true......Just saying.


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