clean up crew and maroon clown

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clean up crew and maroon clown

by breaknrun911

so i bought a pair of mated maroon clowns yesterday, they are about 2 inches in size i leave my house and 6hrs later i come home and one of them are missing. cant find it to save the life of me. my question is, having 2 peppermint shrim, 1 scarlet, a few blue legged hermits, and some sunshine snails. if and only if this fish died in the 6hrs do you think that the cleanup crew could have eaten the carcass and left the skeleton floating around? is it even possible to do that in 6hrs? wut do u all think could be other possibilites

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by mro2you2

have you fed the fish it might be hiding. It could of died in a coral and the coral ate the clown.

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by breaknrun911

well i fed them wen i got them and they ate. and when i got home i fed some live brine shrimp and he was no where to be found. as far as coral goes all i have is xenia, nems, and some zoos i doubt that ate it

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by breaknrun911

FOUND IT!!!!!!!!!

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by blueshoes2208

lol well as i posted in an earlier topic...... ive lost 3 fish........ all incidents of which ive found a neat little pile of bones under my nem......make your own inference....

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by mro2you2

Were at?

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by breaknrun911

floating at the top of the tank, dead, the following afternoon

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by Snowboss4492

well crap that sux man

i had a clown go through the over flow and lived in 1/4 inch of water in the first drip tray of my wet/dry filter for a week.....................he's still with us

sorry for the lose bud, i hate for anyone to lose anything but im extra close to clowns, their such cool lil fish


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by mro2you2

were they a pair theres a chance there 2 males

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by Snowboss4492

actually depending on how long you had them....................they could have came as two males but over time the larger will turn into a female - the second largest will be your male and if you had more the others would be unics {so to speak} if either the male or female leave the next in line size wise will take its place............pretty crazy fish ...............

clean up crew and maroon clown

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