I noticed a lot of crazy activity over my piece of driftwood. Well, the Danio's were spawning.
One of the fat females was dropping eggs. She is the one who looks really beat up. Poor girl is now covered in scratches from rolling in the wood. The male hung out in the cave, trying to keep everyone out. Couldn't chase the Gourami out tho. As you watch, you will see one small Zebra danio (male) constantly fighting with a male Leopard danio, who got in on the action.
When Zebra danios get to be adults, about 1.5", you can tell them apart. Males are smaller and have a gold tint to their bodies, females are big and fat and silver. I have 1 male and 4 females. I know for sure one of my long fin Leopard Danio's is a male because it always fights with the Zebra male when they spawn.
I got the best video I could get of it. It was hard to get them rolling around because as you can see they are in a cave in the driftwood and my digital camera does not have video lights. Plus, clear video is hard to get in the daytime with the lights against the tank, even with all the blinds shut.
How did I know where they dropped the eggs? Just watched where the other fish were munching down!
http://s530.photobucket.com/albums/dd35 ... fdec34.pbr