Maiden's Hair algae

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by lionlord3502

this is not a comen hair algae that is y i poseted it's name. this is a form of macro that grows in extremly dense clusters olny gits about 1" in langth and its bond to rocks is about as strong as ther is i lifted a 3 pound rock up with one cluster traying to pull it off. comen hair algae is ez to git rid of this shit is almsot as bad as a cockroach. i have a 7" neso tang that dosent even think of tuching this stuff and my hermits i havent seen eat it. anyone ever deal with this strand?

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by jennyg49

I was considering buying this algae for my tank- it is so colorful. It looks like most people consider it a problem- would anyone else agree that I should avoid it? Or what if it is purchased on one rock- is it likely to spread? thanks!

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by fihsboy

I would avoid.......just like I would avoid xenia.......IMO xenia is a weed coral. Yes its cool......and its gorgeous.....but it spreads so quick and so out of control that I consider it a weed.

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by jweb

Margarita snails eat all kinds of algae. I believe they eat everything. I have watched mine eat red cyano, hair algae, brown algae, etc, etc. Every algae I have they eat. Get 5 of them and you'll atleast make a dent in it.

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by jennyg49

wow, thanks for saving me the hassle!
can you recommend any similar plants to add bright color (other than coral)? or maybe even a bright coral for that would work in a fairly new tank? (3mo old, 35gal, temp ranges around 81, 82 so thinking coral may not be the best right now...)

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by newbie916

I have Red Lace, Red Gracilaria, Chaeto, and Ulva Macro Algae in my 24 gallon for aquascaping and it's in my refugium in my 95 gallon. If you want pretty plants, you'll have to stay away from tangs because they'll eat it all up. I usually pull some out of my fuge to give my tangs treats in my main tank. i only have a dottyback and clown my 24 gallon, so the macro algae doesn't get eaten.

Also, I've been green hair algae free for 6 months. It was very drastic, but I took out all of my live rock and scrubbed the green hair algae off and drained my sand before transfering it to my new tank. I do 25 gallon water changes every other week and have cut down my feedings. I also started adding Magnesium, Strontium, Iodide, and other trace elements to keep my Macro algae healthy and growing. They are absorbing all of the excess nutrients before the green hair could get to eat.

Good luck

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by jennyg49

Thank you! I'll see about adding some of those instead. Glad to hear you got rid of the maidens hair.

Posts: 28
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by jennyg49

Can you recommend a site that sells any of these micro algae?

Posts: 28
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by jennyg49

Can you recommend a site that sells any of these micro algae?

Maiden's Hair algae

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