Just bought another tank

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Posts: 375
Joined: Sat Jun 21, 2008 3:12 pm

Just bought another tank

by newbie916

I'm pretty stoked. I bought a 24 gallon JBJ with upgraded 150 watt MH's for $425. It comes with a carpet anenome, mated pair of clowns, 40 head white and red Acan colony, 60 head colony of flourecent green candycanes, ton of Xenia's, 25 lbs of live rock covered in blue and star polyps, green bubbletip, orange and green mushrooms, Majenta dottyback, and a haitian anenome. Not too shabby. I'll post some pics when I pick it up on Saturday.

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by littlej2455

Why were they selling the tank?

Posts: 375
Joined: Sat Jun 21, 2008 3:12 pm

by newbie916

He has an 18 month old and didn't want to have to maintain it anymore. There was a little green hair and bubble algae, but not enough that a few water changes wouldn't cure. I'm picking it up today. Hopefully, I get some picks posted this week.

My wife wants me to give it to my son for his 2nd birthday. He had a 12 gallon that started me in the hobby and now it's a 95 gallon.haha

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by saltwaterpimp

Ha, it takes more then a few water changes to remove bubble algae man..But good shit anyway =).. I might get 2 more nano tanks , a eclipse 12 gallon and a 6 gallon, both have light upgrades,stands,heaters,and filters..50 bucks..and theres not even a scratch=)

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by blueshoes2208

i really wnat a nano so bad........ just so happens that i live in BFE and we dont have good deals like yall do.......

Posts: 375
Joined: Sat Jun 21, 2008 3:12 pm

by newbie916

My tank has been setup since Monday and everything is looking great. All of the bubble algae is gone because I only kept 10% of the original water and replaced 90%. I added a cleaning crew and pulled off the bubble algae that I could see before setting it up. The emerald crabs have eaten the rest. The water is crystal clear and I even replaced the sand. It came with 25-30lbs of liverock that is covered in corals and I figured it had enough beneficial bacteria to repopulate the tank. I'll post some pics later this week.

Just bought another tank

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