Newbie with a fish tank light question/fish question

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Newbie with a fish tank light question/fish question

by spanks_4

I was thinking of putting a blacklight in for my tank, but from what I was seeing the general thought is that this could be bad.

I have been looking for a hood/light that has two bulbs for a 29 gallon tank, but can't seem to find anything and I don't think just a solid black light would be good. Can I put one of those blue/actinic*SP?* bulbs in place of the solid white bulb and it be fine? I have six Zebra Danios, six Glofish/Danios, and two Stripped Raphael Catish in the tank at the moment and plan on adding a couple more smaller fish before I finish the tank.

Also: Anyone know how long a danio and glofish tend to live?

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by adehaan86

Can I put one of those blue/actinic*SP?* bulbs in place of the solid white bulb and it be fine?


You can also even cheaper yet, go on ebay and buy some black or blue LED lights.

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by zambize

Why do you want to use a black light? To see your Raphael's?


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by spanks_4

For my Neons. The Zebra's also look better under some sort of a black light, but I don't know what the store was using because it wasn't a solid black light.

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by yasherkoach

zebra danio live to above 3-5 years...unsure about glowlight fish, but probably about the same

you can purchase colored lights that run off its own cord. I used to use them, red, blue and green, but I am more into all natural ecosystem, so I do not use them anymore.

These colored lights - sells them at about $12 a piece, are LED colored lights that are submersible. You get a nice colorful aquascape if this is what you're after.

Black light, like the psychedelic ones, may look cool if you're stoned, but if you have live plants, they will do nothing to maintain your plants and as for the fish, I doubt very much the light will penetrate to the bottom of the tank unless your tank is 10 or 20L tanks.

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by yasherkoach

I see, 29 light is a waste of money unless it is 29 gallon it long? And even if it is, what's the point? You plan to place submersible Jimi Hendrix posters so your fish can bubble along to the Star Spangled Banner?

Newbie with a fish tank light question/fish question

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