How many?

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Discuss all topics related to freshwater and planted tanks.

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How many?

by zambize

How many tanks do you have right now? And what is the most you've ever had? I currently have 10 tank ranging from 3 gallons to 55 gallons, all freshwater. This is the most I've ever had and I'm hoping to downgrade to 8 from ten over the next couple of months.

(More fins to ya'!)

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by adehaan86

I got 2, I want about 5-7 but the wife is really upset on how much I already spend on these 2. But a 55 gal planted tank I believe takes more then a smaller planted. (Thought about downgrading to a 30 to save some money).

And Z a side note, I wish I had ten tanks, I gotta admit, I'm a little jealous over here!!

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by zambize

And I *love* my ten tanks! You should have a wife like my partner. She gripes a little, but hey, I've got 10 tanks... lol.


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by adehaan86

I believe there is a word for that.... O ya *spoiled*. Well were very young with 2 kids and just bought a place. So money is a little tighter then most situtions otherwise I probably would have a 125 gallon in my house already, or many tanks idk yet.

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by zambize

Ah, well I'm old and I've paid my I get my tanks!

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by adehaan86

Z , I noticed you have Red Cherry Shrimp , are they good in planted tanks? and If so what's good or bad about them. I thought about getting some.

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by zambize

They are great in planted tanks, they will busy themselves by eating the algae off the plants (and everything else). They are very low maintenance, fun to watch, multiply like rabbits, and you can sell the babies to your lfs. However, two important things. One, most plant foods contain copper and copper isn't safe for shrimp. Two, most fish consider little Red Cherry Shrimp to be tasty treats so you can only have very small fish in the tank with them or your expensive RCS will be gone in no time. RCS breed like crazy but if you have *any* fish in the tank (except maybe otocinclus) the babies will be eaten because the babies are very, very tiny. They look like a piece of lint.

I have a 10 gallon planted tank with some female guppies and a male beta and I thought I'd put a half dozen or so of my nearly-adult shrimp in the tank for a while to clean nice and tidy. I figured they were safe with those small fish. My half dozen RCS were gone in just a few days -- the beta ate them. I know this because as I realized that I couldn't see any shrimp one day, I caught him going after the last one. Betas do have rather large mouths for their size, but that gives you an idea of how easy they are for fish to eat.


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by adehaan86

Well I have a couple smaller fish that look like little sharks, I have 2 plecos. and 2 clown loaches. Just wondering if i would be safe. because I know plecos will sooner or later eat through plants will RCS do the same? I would love to raise them but idk if the wife would let me.

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by esparzar1

10 tanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I only got 2 tanks. I currently have a 30 gal up and running w/tropical fish and I'm hoping to have my 55 gal up and running within the next few months and start a cichlid tank.

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by josmoloco

I have 4 as of now, 125g 55g 15g and 5g. Someday I want a 300 gallon plus drilled acrylic tank for my Africans....... Maybe when I grow up.......

How many?

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