What's a good treatment for Ich?

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What's a good treatment for Ich?

by newbie916

I noticed a white spot on my Blue Hippo Tang's dorsel fin this morning. All of the other fish seem fine and the Hippo is acting normal. I have 2 cleaner shrimp, 1 fire shrimp, 1 cleaner wrasse, and 3 peppermint shrimp. Do you guys think they'll clean it off of her?


Posts: 146
Joined: Wed Jan 21, 2009 3:20 am

by breaknrun911

if it is ick...i doubt it. my kole tang had ick and my shrimp didnt do jack. i had to quarantine him to a hospital tank. i had to do this b/c i have corals and inverts in my tank and the medicine could and more than likely hurt them. if u dont have any inverts or corals throw in Marcyn1 or 2. they come in pills. i also use ocean life "lifeguard" pills. just make sure you take out any carbon packs that you have in your filter b/c it will neutralize the medicine.
also, i would only treat the entire tank if more than one fish has the ick. if its just one fish your ganna want to quarantine it into another tank. b/c if it dies and other fish eat and pick at it especially your "cleanup crew" they will contract the ick then your starting all over again

What's a good treatment for Ich?

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