New Ram Tank

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by a1k8t31524

well part of the point of this site is to inform and educate peple, and keeping 3 rams in a 6gallon tank is just not a smart thing to do, they wil outgrow it very quickly and be extreamly un-happy and also they should really only be kept in well established tanks the tend to be pretty sensitive to swings in your water paramiters. and the smaller the tank the bigger the swings. That is why you should always go with the biggest tank that you can afford, and if you can not afford a big tank you need to stick with the fish that will fit the approprite size tank that you have. You say you have lots of hidingplaces for them but 6 gallons is very small and i cant imagine that you have to many, and if you do you have to think of the fact that the more sutff you have in your tank the more displacement and less water volume you actually have, so you 6 gallon could be more like 4..... your profile says to start small like 2 gallons... honestly that is the wors advice that you could ever give, it is almost impossible to keep good constant water params in a tank that small, part of being a responsible aqaurist is research everything, and putting your fish in the best possible situation you can. Which honestly i am almost positive that you did not, that is like stuffing you in a closet with a sink and tolite in there and saying , oh he has plenty of room and assuming that you qill live a healthy happy long life.........not so much
you also said that you want this to be a breeding tank if you dont have a spare tank to put them in what are you going to do with 20-30 little fry when and if that happens?
i know i sound harsh but i felt i needed to voice my opinion.

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by RamBam

All right all right I moved 1 ram to my other tank shesh you guys can stop bein critics and stick to the positive stuff. And yes I'd move 2 if I had enough room. Just talk about what you people have and not what I have. And my friend has a 2-3 gallon tank to spare so I'd either keep the fry in there or give em away to my friends.

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by burtonboarder

you wont need the advice when they are dead
6 gallons, did you read anything before you bought them...

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by bigfish0016429

Why is everyone hating on this guy? who cares what he has them in given that he needs more space don't you think he gets the point by now. Sorry rambam I don't have very many tips on rams but I am planning to get a pair in a 29 gal. Good luck with yours!

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by burtonboarder

its called advice, its not really meant to be mean
just saying that 6 gallons isnt gunna do it, and he already moved one or something so its all good

good luck

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by burtonboarder

and and PS they prefer live plants over plastic, just more natural

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by RamBam

Thx :)

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by dawgtrain

I absolutly love rams and I cant keep the blue ones for any length of time I had two and they died 110 gal and I still have a gold orange color one and he's doing fine. I heard they can stress out. I favor the blue ones though so cute ! Good luck to you with them and breeding. I had my first litter of guppies in my daughters 10 gallon tank back around christmas. I still have them separated though the mom still thinks their fish bait.

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by RamBam

Thx for the info ;) I have a question do you know how long it takes for a pair to usually spwan?

Posts: 887
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by Tmercier834747

Could take well over a year depending on their current age, and possibly never if they're not receiving the proper conditions and stimulus.

New Ram Tank

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