new saltwater tank set up, what kind of fish to put in?
9 posts
bg7003 - Posts: 5
- Joined: Tue Feb 19, 2008 6:52 pm
new saltwater tank set up, what kind of fish to put in?
I just set up a 75 gallon bowfront tank, i'd like it to be a FOWLR. im getting about 70lbs of live rock but what kind of fish would do well in there? I was interested in tangs, triggerfish, butterfly fish and some large angels. I know with the triggerfish they often eat shrimp and other crustaceans, so would it be better to just get them instead to help maintain the tank? Just looking for some ideas of fish i could get. Thanks!
blueshoes2208 - Posts: 1077
- Joined: Sat Apr 12, 2008 4:01 pm
ummm well...... i have a 70 gal tank and im only going to get one dwarf angelfish, if that, angelfish get big so a 12 inch fish or so in my opinion would be WAY to big for a 75 gal tank. Cleaning crews are really good so you kinda have to make the decision of do you want to have a predatory tank or a fowlr community tank? Tangs get diseases easily, or so i am told, since you dont want any corals you wont have to worry about the butterfies or triggers picking at them. Go find yourself some compatability charts on what fish go together. Dont rush into whatever fish you want, make sure you do your research on who wont bully or in some cases who eats who haha. We will see what everyone else says.Good luck
BurgerKing7704 - Posts: 106
- Joined: Mon Nov 24, 2008 9:03 pm
I really dont know anything about SW fish, especially not the big ones you want. What I do when starting a tank is find the fish I want the most, then design the rest of the tank and stocklist around that fish.
bg7003 - Posts: 5
- Joined: Tue Feb 19, 2008 6:52 pm
haha thanks. No i realize the restrictions with getting certain kinds of fish..i know the angels get way big so maybe just one dwarf. I think i may go with the cleaning package instead of the triggerfish because it will def help maintain the tank a bit better. Though i did hear that if you introduce the shrimp first, then the triggerfish won't bother them supposedly..but then i guess as it grows it would eat them.
Snowboss4492 - Posts: 2098
- Joined: Sun Jan 27, 2008 11:24 pm
becareful with angels..........just because it's a dwarf doesn't mean it'll do well in a small tank - - -"small" being relative, 70 gallons isn't really a small tank just a little on the small side for angels - - -the other thing is swimming room - - -a long narrow tank would be better than a short deep tank of the same i making sense? sorry ive been up for three days plowing
bg7003 - Posts: 5
- Joined: Tue Feb 19, 2008 6:52 pm
yeah i get it. i don't think im going to put any angels in now that i think about it. Im not looking for that many fish so. thanks though