Reducing Bio-load/ replacement fish suggestions?

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Reducing Bio-load/ replacement fish suggestions?

by newbie916

Hey guys,

I'm thinking about reducing my bio-load because as Schigara had suggested I have too many dirty fish. I believe that's one of the reasons I have consistantly high nitrates. I have a 100 gallon with 30 gallon refugium/sump. 150 lbs LR and 3" LS bed in main display and fuge. Getting rid of some of my fish is a last resort, but I've tried everything and my nitrates remain at 20 ppm. I do 15-25 gallon water changes with RO water and Red Sea Salt every other week. I use a powerhead to blow all of the poop off the rocks and have a Euro-Reef Protein skimmer and a Phosban reactor with Rowa in it.

Here are my fish:

1- Blue Hippo Tang 6" in length
1- Yellow Tang 5"
1- Sailfin Tang 4"
1- Maroon Clown 2"
1- Perc Clown 3"
1- Damsel
1- Chromi
1- Cleaner wrasse

I'm thinking about trading in the Yellow, Sailfin, Perc, Damsel, and Chromi. I will keep the Maroon, Blue Hippo, and Cleaner Wrasse. Do you think that should reduce my problems or should I get rid of my Blue Hippo also? My wife told me to keep Dori and Nemo and bag the rest. What should I replace them with or should I?


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by fihsboy

OHH YEAH. I think that would be plenty. You could get some little firefish. They have light bioloads and are fun to watch. As well as a scooter blenny. Up to you though.

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by Snowboss4492

two of the tangs would do it - -the damsel is a good candidate only because they are cheap {unless he's a big general or something like that} - - if the clowns don't care for each other maybe dump one and get a mate of the same species - - - -just remember getting rid of one big fella and adding 3 lil ones isn't really doing anything for you

at 2inches per gallon your really not over to much on the load..........i can't say why you havr such high nitates but your not grossly overloaded

less could be better though


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by newbie916

That's what I was thinking. My Perc clown has been in solitary in my fuge for 3 months cuz he started kicking my maroons ass:) Schigara said that the tang's are just crap factories and dirty fish. I've tried everything, but my tank seems to be nutrient rich. I'm starting to cut back on my feedings to see if that will make a difference. I bought the Eco-Aqualizer gizmo to see if it works and we'll see. Thanks guys, I'll keep you posted

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by schigara

newbie916, I have not had many tangs but they are voracious eaters. I have been stuck babysitting a Sailfin Tang for a friend for the past 4-5 months which was not supposed to be longer than a month or so while he upgraded to a larger tank.

Anyway, the biggest fish I have are the GS Maroon Clowns and this damn tang eats 10 to 1 what the other fish eat. I have to overfeed the tank just so my fish have a chance to eat at all!

While I regret taking on the Tang, it has been a good test of my nutrient export capabilities. My nitrates are still at 0-undetectable and have had no nuisance algae issues at all.

I would love to have a Tang for myself one day but I will wait until I can afford a 200g+ tank and go for my favorite which is an Achilles.

Posts: 375
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by newbie916

After talking to a lot of people, I believe that there are some other underlying issues with my tank. I have my fuge up and running and ordered 1 lb of Red Gracilara to add to my fuge and tank. I currently have Xenia, Ulva, and another Red Macro in my fuge with some sand and LR. I'm hoping that I will be able to reduce my nitrates this way.Thanks guys for all of the help

Reducing Bio-load/ replacement fish suggestions?

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