need opinions from from you guys on.....

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need opinions from from you guys on.....

by blueshoes2208

Protein skimmer: Aquac Remora Pro with mag drive 3, do i need to buy the one with the drain fitting????? is it necessary??
and what media do i buy for my FX5???

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by saltwaterpimp

i have never used those skimmers, sorry..drain fitting ? on the collection cup ? dont waste your time with bioballs and media like that..try chemi pure or a good activated carbon..

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by fihsboy

OMG THEY ARE AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!! i have the remora with the maxi jet 1200. my water is crystal clear. It pulls out insane amounts of crap. get the drain fitting. but dont abuse the drain fitting. Just because it drains automatically doesnt mean you dont need to clean the cup out weekly. Honestly.......its amazing! Crazy simple and it CANT overflow. Thats CANT overflow. No leaks or floods or any of that crap like other skimmers. PLUS you dont have to dial it just turn it on.....there arent any dials to turn or any of that crap.....turn it on it works exceptionally well......and it doesnt slow down.

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by Snowboss4492

so let me get this like it or you don't like it????



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by gumbii

hey fishboy... how high do you have the rubber thing that holds the cup in place...? i can't seem to make my aqua c remora pro to pull enough skimmate... i only get like an ounce every two weeks... sometimes for days i don't see any bubbles reaching the top of the collection cup...

i have it like an inch and a half down so the cup pops out at an inch and a half up... do i need to lower it...? mine didn't come with instructions... it's used...

and i have a mag 5 on it... woot... maybe it's too much for the skimmer...? i get micro bubbles in the tank...

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by fihsboy

Could be too much....but I wouldnt think so. How long have you had it? I think these things will handle any pump you throw at them pretty much. As for your skimmate problem.....i would lower it. I dont even use the rubber seal. I bought one, just in case......because mine is used as well and I have no instructions either. I dont use the seal.....i just let it rest on the bottom and it pulls nicely. I empty it every other day. I just have the maxi jet 1200....on the original remora. Its probably 4 years old.....but works great! Do you like yours?(if you can get it to pull more skimmate)?

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by gumbii

i'll scope it out...

i guess i have to fuck around with it alot more... fail...

need opinions from from you guys on.....

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