Does any one do this?

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Does any one do this?

by Deltasigpony3648

Hey been reeding online about zenia scrubbing does anyone do this and can tell me the benefits / drawbacks of doing this

Posts: 1837
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by fihsboy

Theres a guy on here that swears by it. I forget his screen name though. hmmmmm......I heard its pretty affective.

Posts: 314
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by Deltasigpony3648

i use my zenia in my tank to tell me if anything is wrong it usually gives me a day or two warning if something is going to go wrong

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by fihsboy

I heard they are pretty reliable for stuff like that. They will generally tell if the water parameters are stable or not.

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by schigara

I have a 29g secondary refugium that I have a Zenia forest in. When I was running chaetomorpha, my nitrates would range from 5-20 and now with a Xenia scrubber for the past 6 months, nitrates are always at 0 and I actually feed my fish and coral more than I used to before Xenia.


Consumes more nutrients quicker than any macro algae I have ever used.

It's attractive so it doubles as a second display tank

When I prune it, the LFS gives me a store credit for it.


Can't think of any.............

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by blueshoes2208

wow.......... even your little tank looks badass......... perhaps someday mine will too.............. anyone care to explain zenia scrubbing?? aparently im the only one thats not informed

Posts: 314
Joined: Mon Nov 19, 2007 7:21 am

by Deltasigpony3648

from what i understand zenias eat up nitrates in the tank its like using macro algae or mangroves

Does any one do this?

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