Heater fetish

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Heater fetish


The damsels I put in to help boost the cycle in the SW setup are crowding around the heater on occasion. My thermometer is located on the opp side of the tank and reading 80 degrees. I was thinking they might feel to cold on the opposite side....Also is it normal for them to rest againt the intake valve to my canisters. I guess their light, so it's a good resting place. My profile hasn't been approved yet, so i have to keep specifying the specs on my tank. Also, The sprayer to my eheim is horizontal on the back of the tank with abubble wall facing up. Is this wise to have a current facing a current because it's creating bubbles in the middle, kind mimicing a crashing wave. Feedback appreciated as always......

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by Snowboss4492

Hi, I just completed a cycle on my first tank, so my expierience is limited to say the least but, 1. you definately want water moveing all over the tank, it will help keep that nasty brown algae from settling as much [if you don't have it yet. it's coming,lol, sorry] 2. I used dams as well and killed 6 of them [i will never do a live fish cycle again] but now the 2 dams and 1 chromis are doing well - but I have yet to see them "resting" on a suction line or anything like that, keep close track of you water parameters, high salt will make them "labor" high nitrite and nitrate will make them sluggish - -high levels of any of this will kill them.
On another note my 2 yellow tail dams are mean lil bast#%ds, and keep the chromis corraled a lot of the time, so i thought he was hanging by the heater too, but after my last tank clean, i moved the heater and he didn't go with it................read read read read read....good luck looking forward to pics down the road.
any advice from Saltwater pimp is solid

Posts: 152
Joined: Fri Feb 08, 2008 2:26 pm


thanks dude. Yea Im not really happy about dams in the tank but it was advised to cycle with them, They remind me of my fresh water agressive cichlids which is what i was trying to get away from, Im going on my third book man, and constantly looking at this forum to sponge up the info.

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by J1400Smith

I would say that you might want to make sure that you have enough oxygen in the tank, usually if not they will hang out in places where they can get some.

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by saltwaterpimp

frmnutn2sumtn,do you have any live rock ect in your tank??. crashing current is agood thing , personaly i dont like bubble walls because of salt creep and corals dont like bubbles. test your water. make sure your thermometer works . have you done a water change yet?

Posts: 152
Joined: Fri Feb 08, 2008 2:26 pm


I dont have corals at this time so the bubbles weren't an issue, but now that you re-confirmed what I was thinking about (salt creep) I will remove it. I have lace rock only at this time which I don't believe has accumulated bacteria yet. I might add a power head to get more circulation or move my airstones to the front of the tank.

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by saltwaterpimp

tank maitnence inside and out is important. salt creep will cause rust on light fixtures and destroy tank stands + its unatractive. wipe away salt creep and dust ect. weekly to insure the life of your tank and lighting.

Heater fetish

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