What are the defense mechanisms for these softies

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Joined: Sat Jun 21, 2008 3:12 pm

What are the defense mechanisms for these softies

by newbie916

I bought a new toadstool and he hasn't opened up since I got him three days ago. I placed him in the back of the tank at the top of my LR, but he attached himself between two finger leathers. Could they be stinging him or releasing any toxins? I also purchased several heads of frogspawn and placed them about 5 inches away from my flowerpot corals and I noticed that the flowerpots arms retracted for a few minutes after the frogspawn opened. Do frogspawn sting or send out toxins for their defense?

Posts: 238
Joined: Sun Feb 10, 2008 6:47 pm

by singapore

not sure about the toadstool, but im pretty sure the frogspawn has a nasty sting it can inflict on other corals...

Posts: 375
Joined: Sat Jun 21, 2008 3:12 pm

by newbie916

That's what I figured. Pretty much anything with tentacles I try to keep out of reach from my other corals. My Bubble tip anenome was stinging my other toadstool, but interesting enough the toadstool moved itself away from the anenome. I just wanted to make sure that the frogspawn doesn't release toxins.


What are the defense mechanisms for these softies

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