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The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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United States
75 gallon; 4 foot long, 18 inches wide, Penguin 350 HOB power filter, Aquaclear 110 power filter, 250 watt Visi_Therm Deluxe heater. 120+ pounds of rocks. Black painted background, and buffered African Cichlid sand.150 gallon; 6 foot long, 18 inches wide, 2 penguin 350 power filters, Aquaclear 110 Power Filter, two 300 watt Visi_Therm Deluxe heaters, 100+ pounds of play sand, fake plants and some decorations.
29 gallon; Penguin 350, 200 watt heater, 3 inches of Flourite plant substrate, T5 lighting.
Do your research, and keep your water clean.
Fish Kept:
75 gallon; 30 Mixed African cichlids
150 gallon; Red and Albino Oscar, Green Severum, Bluegill, Channel catfish, Four-lined pictus.
29 gallon; 7 x Rummynose tetras, 5 x Red eyed tetras, 2 x Panda corys, 1 x Punctatus cory, 1 x Apistogramma sp. "Steel Blue", 1 x Algae eater (not a pleco), 1 x Hillstream loach.
<b><font color="blue"><u>75 gallon</u></font></b>; A couple fake plants, and 120+ pounds of rocks.<p>
<b><font color="blue"><u>150 gallon</u></font></b>; Fake plants, and some decorations.<p>
<b><font color="blue"><u>29 gallon</u></font></b>; 2 x Water Sprite, 1 x Amazon Sword, 2 x Dwarf Sagittaria, 1 x Moneywort, Micro Sword, 1 x Kleiner Bar Sword, 1 x Java fern, and a few others that I'm unsure of the names.
Dreams are what make life tollerable.
About Yourself:
Loved aquariums since I was too young to have one. Had them when I was 11 years old till about 14, then stoped keeping fish for a while. Now in the past year or so started to get back into them again. I really enjoy this hobby and find it very relaxing.