Photo #2 - The Albino Cat Fish - A Blood Parrot Cichlid, Sia...

freshwater fish - corydoras aeneus - albino aeneus cory cat stocking in 110 gallons tank - the albino cat fish
Submitted By: wagon on
Photo Caption: the albino cat fish
freshwater fish - symphysodon sp. - pigeon blood discus stocking in 110 gallons tank - my
freshwater fish - corydoras aeneus - albino aeneus cory cat stocking in 110 gallons tank - the albino cat fish
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freshwater fish - corydoras sp. - false julii cory cat stocking in 110 gallons tank - my spotted cory cat
freshwater fish - pterophyllum sp. - marble veil angel stocking in 110 gallons tank - i want
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freshwater fish stocking in 110 gallons tank - i am
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freshwater fish - betta splendens - betta - male stocking in 110 gallons tank - the siemese
freshwater fish - betta splendens - betta - male stocking in 110 gallons tank - the siemese
freshwater fish - heros severus x amphilophus citrinellum - blood parrot stocking in 110 gallons tank - the big parrot
freshwater fish - pterophyllum sp. - white blushing angel stocking in 110 gallons tank - gabriel the big angel
freshwater fish - pterophyllum sp. - white blushing angel stocking in 110 gallons tank - gabriel the angel
freshwater fish - pterophyllum sp. - silver zebra angel stocking in 110 gallons tank - ole red eye
freshwater fish - pterophyllum sp. - white blushing angel stocking in 110 gallons tank - the angel and the spotted catfish looking for pellets
freshwater fish - epalzeorhynchos frenatus - rainbow shark stocking in 110 gallons tank - the rainbow shark
freshwater fish - corydoras paleatus - peppered cory cat stocking in 110 gallons tank - the cat
freshwater fish - glyptoperichthys gibbiceps - sailfin pleco (l-83) stocking in 110 gallons tank - the pleco giving me the stare of
freshwater fish - metynnis argenteus - silver dollar stocking in 110 gallons tank - my silver dollar
freshwater fish - epalzeorhynchos frenatus - albino rainbow shark stocking in 110 gallons tank - my albino shark
freshwater fish - heros severus x amphilophus citrinellum - blood parrot stocking in 110 gallons tank - my blood parrot cichlid
freshwater fish - heros severus x amphilophus citrinellum - blood parrot stocking in 110 gallons tank - the parrot cichlid hiding in the boat
freshwater fish - pterophyllum sp. - white blushing angel stocking in 110 gallons tank - the big angel posin for the camera
freshwater fish - heros severus x amphilophus citrinellum - blood parrot stocking in 110 gallons tank - my big parrot
freshwater fish - corydoras sp. - false julii cory cat stocking in 110 gallons tank - my spotted cat fish
freshwater fish - epalzeorhynchos frenatus - rainbow shark stocking in 110 gallons tank - rainbow shark
freshwater fish - pterophyllum sp. - silver zebra angel stocking in 110 gallons tank - the angels together
freshwater fish - pterophyllum sp. - white blushing angel stocking in 110 gallons tank - the angels together
freshwater fish - pterophyllum sp. - marble veil angel stocking in 110 gallons tank - the marble effect 2
freshwater fish - pterophyllum scalare - marble veil angel stocking in 110 gallons tank - the marble effect
freshwater fish - pterophyllum scalare - assorted veil angel stocking in 110 gallons tank - ole red
freshwater fish - pterophyllum sp. - silver zebra angel stocking in 110 gallons tank - the zebtra angel and the sailfin
freshwater fish - pterophyllum sp. - silver zebra angel stocking in 110 gallons tank - the zebra angel baby
freshwater fish - pterophyllum sp. - white blushing angel stocking in 110 gallons tank - the big baby
freshwater fish - betta splendens - betta - male stocking in 110 gallons tank - furious siemese 2
freshwater fish - betta splendens - betta - male stocking in 110 gallons tank - furious siemese
110 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - Me Tank ...hell yeah

Rank Info

Ranked #3834 out of 7494 freshwater fish pictures worldwide
This picture looks better than 48.84% of pictures in this category
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The Average Score for this picture is: 4.28
This picture has been rated : 61 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 7.13

More Info

Country: United Kingdom
Description: .
Advice: speed up the process of starting a tank use dirty water from a friends tank. i have done this on various tanks and all fish have survived( iput the fish in the tank only 2 days after it was set up) 2. Do frequent water changes (25 % of the water in the tank. 3. dont listen to pet shop staff as they no nothing (do your own research on the net) i have various fish together that are suppose to be kept apart and they are fine.
Fish Kept: A blood Parrot Cichlid, Siamese fighting fish, yellow angle, black/silver angel, white/black angel, zebra stripe angle, 4 orange tetras, 4 neons, pleco, 2 cory catfish, 1 albino catfish, 1 armoured catfish, albino shark, rainbow shark,and a silver dollar
Corals/Plants: .
Tank Size: 110 gallons
Quote: Reap What You Sow
About Yourself: .


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