Description:My tank as of July 27th, 2007
this picture is outdated but it shows my eels nicely.
35 Gallons Planted Tank
Description:Still a beginner but the tank currently contains amazon swords, java fern, and some water sprites. Also the water level isn\'t usually that low but it just happened to be when I took this photo.
8 Gallons Planted Tank
Description:Patience. It took 5 months to get to this point.
Planted Tank
Description:20-gallon tank, plenty of hiding places as you can see. Animals include five albino green cories, two julii cories, one green cory, one metae cory, one milin cory, two peppered cories, two bumble catfish, one striped raphael, two dalmatian mollies, one pearl gourami, one apple snail and three figure-eight puffer fish. Plants include java moss, duckweed, java ferns, elodeas, african red lotus, dwarf anubias, water sprites, hairgrass and wisteria.
120 Gallons Planted Tank
Description:in this picture u see my fishtanke without its tabletop on.