Piranha Diamond Rhombeus
Freshwater Fish
Fish Scientific Name:
Serrasalmus Rhombeus
Fish Popular Name:
Diamond Rhombeus Piranha
Tank Size:
75 gallons
United States
This tank picture looks better than 73.87% of tank pictures in this category.
Ranked #1958 out of 7494 freshwater fish pictures worldwide.
Rating: 5.01 Votes: 70

Piranha S.Rhombeus 75 gal planted tank.
I've got some Zebra Danios, Black Neons, Jumbo Neons, Lemon Tetras,Black Skirt Tetra ghost shrimp and a Pleco
Freshwater Fish
Fish Scientific Name:
Serrasalmus Rhombeus
Fish Popular Name:
Diamond Rhombeus Piranha
Tank Size:
75 gallons
United States
This tank picture looks better than 41.54% of tank pictures in this category.
Ranked #4381 out of 7494 freshwater fish pictures worldwide.
Rating: 4.08 Votes: 59