freshwater fish - paracheirodon innesi - neon tetra jumbo stocking in 46 gallons tank - Cardinal & Neon Tetras 11.05.07
Description: Cardinal & Neon Tetras 11.05.07
Category: Freshwater Fish
Fish Scientific Name: Paracheirodon Innesi
Fish Popular Name: Neon Tetra Jumbo
Tank Size: 46 gallons
Country: United States

This tank picture looks better than 9.26% of tank pictures in this category.

Ranked #6800 out of 7494 freshwater fish pictures worldwide.

Rating: 2.97    Votes: 61

freshwater fish - paracheirodon innesi - neon tetra jumbo stocking in 40 gallons tank - My new aquarium
Description: My new aquarium
Category: Freshwater Fish
Fish Scientific Name: Paracheirodon Innesi
Fish Popular Name: Neon Tetra Jumbo
Tank Size: 40 gallons
Country: Romania

This tank picture looks better than 8.58% of tank pictures in this category.

Ranked #6851 out of 7494 freshwater fish pictures worldwide.

Rating: 2.93    Votes: 14

freshwater fish - paracheirodon innesi - neon tetra jumbo stocking in 29 gallons tank - My cobra endlers. These may go into this tank as the males mature. They are very hard to get a picture of because they wiggle so much that they look like flames flickering.
Description: My cobra endlers. These may go into this tank as the males mature. They are very hard to get a picture of because they wiggle so much that they look like flames flickering.
Category: Freshwater Fish
Fish Scientific Name: Paracheirodon Innesi
Fish Popular Name: Neon Tetra Jumbo
Tank Size: 29 gallons
Country: United States

This tank picture looks better than 6.37% of tank pictures in this category.

Ranked #7017 out of 7494 freshwater fish pictures worldwide.

Rating: 2.79    Votes: 39

freshwater fish - paracheirodon innesi - diamond head neon tetra stocking in 25 gallons tank - the start of my japanese style theme... not the best photo is kind of hard to take a picture cause of the shape of tank, being hexagon all the photos end up having a line in them :( im actually upgrading soon so a new photo hopefully in the next three wks or so :D
Description: the start of my japanese style theme... not the best photo is kind of hard to take a picture cause of the shape of tank, being hexagon all the photos end up having a line in ...
Category: Freshwater Fish
Fish Scientific Name: Paracheirodon Innesi
Fish Popular Name: Diamond Head Neon Tetra
Tank Size: 25 gallons
Country: Australia

This tank picture looks better than 5.32% of tank pictures in this category.

Ranked #7095 out of 7494 freshwater fish pictures worldwide.

Rating: 2.73    Votes: 11

freshwater fish - paracheirodon innesi - neon tetra jumbo stocking in 10 gallons tank - Just another pic only neon's and Cory's.
Description: Just another pic only neon's and Cory's.
Category: Freshwater Fish
Fish Scientific Name: Paracheirodon Innesi
Fish Popular Name: Neon Tetra Jumbo
Tank Size: 10 gallons
Country: United States

This tank picture looks better than 3.66% of tank pictures in this category.

Ranked #7220 out of 7494 freshwater fish pictures worldwide.

Rating: 2.57    Votes: 14

freshwater fish - paracheirodon innesi - neon tetra jumbo stocking in 28 gallons tank - Front view with new plastic plants added
Description: Front view with new plastic plants added
Category: Freshwater Fish
Fish Scientific Name: Paracheirodon Innesi
Fish Popular Name: Neon Tetra Jumbo
Tank Size: 28 gallons
Country: United States

This tank picture looks better than 3.38% of tank pictures in this category.

Ranked #7241 out of 7494 freshwater fish pictures worldwide.

Rating: 2.54    Votes: 13

freshwater fish - paracheirodon innesi - neon tetra jumbo stocking in 10 gallons tank - 10 gallon Aqua culture tank,hood,filter,pump. sub. heater bubble wall. All decor if fake. Silk plants and top fin stump. 5 Neon's , 5 Cherry barbs and 2 Cory's. Will be adding 3 or 4 Cheery or Ghost Shrimp later. To help with algae.
Description: 10 gallon Aqua culture tank,hood,filter,pump. sub. heater bubble wall. All decor if fake. Silk plants and top fin stump. 5 Neon's , 5 Cherry barbs and 2 Cory's. Will be adding 3 or 4 Cheery or Ghost Shrimp ...
Category: Freshwater Fish
Fish Scientific Name: Paracheirodon Innesi
Fish Popular Name: Neon Tetra Jumbo
Tank Size: 10 gallons
Country: United States

This tank picture looks better than 2.86% of tank pictures in this category.

Ranked #7280 out of 7494 freshwater fish pictures worldwide.

Rating: 2.45    Votes: 11

freshwater fish - paracheirodon innesi - neon tetra stocking in 25 gallons tank - Three of my neon tetra
Description: Three of my neon tetra
Category: Freshwater Fish
Fish Scientific Name: Paracheirodon Innesi
Fish Popular Name: Neon Tetra
Tank Size: 25 gallons
Country: South Africa

This tank picture looks better than 2.47% of tank pictures in this category.

Ranked #7309 out of 7494 freshwater fish pictures worldwide.

Rating: 2.4    Votes: 48

freshwater fish - paracheirodon innesi - neon tetra jumbo stocking in 38 gallons tank - 3 Neon Tetras, and One Betta hiding in the plants. Can't find the fish? Keep looking you'll see them ;o).
Description: 3 Neon Tetras, and One Betta hiding in the plants. Can't find the fish? Keep looking you'll see them ;o).
Category: Freshwater Fish
Fish Scientific Name: Paracheirodon Innesi
Fish Popular Name: Neon Tetra Jumbo
Tank Size: 38 gallons
Country: United States

This tank picture looks better than 1.87% of tank pictures in this category.

Ranked #7354 out of 7494 freshwater fish pictures worldwide.

Rating: 2.3    Votes: 50

freshwater fish - paracheirodon innesi - neon tetra jumbo stocking in 10 gallons tank - Neon Tetra
Description: Neon Tetra
Category: Freshwater Fish
Fish Scientific Name: Paracheirodon Innesi
Fish Popular Name: Neon Tetra Jumbo
Tank Size: 10 gallons
Country: United States

This tank picture looks better than 1.13% of tank pictures in this category.

Ranked #7409 out of 7494 freshwater fish pictures worldwide.

Rating: 2.1    Votes: 29

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