Photo #1 - 55 Gallon Fish Tank/ Black Background/ Small Bl...

55 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - 55 Gallon Fish Tank/ Black Background/ Small Black and Blue Rocks / Large Black Rocks/ 4 Lava Rocks/ Plastic Plants - White, Blue, Black/ 1 Snail Decoration (NO FISHING)/ 60 Gallon Air Pump/ Black Air Hoses/ 3 Large Bubble Bars (back of tank)/ 90 Gallon Water Heater (left corner)/ 2 Digital Temp. Gages (left & right of tank)/ 2 Bio-Wheel Emperor 280 Filters/ (1 Bio-Wheel, filters 50 gallons of water)/ 2 Active Carbon Attachments/
Submitted By: aaron on
Photo Caption: 55 Gallon Fish Tank/ Black Background/ Small Black and Blue Rocks / Large Black Rocks/ 4 Lava Rocks/ Plastic Plants - White, Blue, Black/ 1 Snail Decoration (NO FISHING)/ 60 Gallon Air Pump/ Black Air Hoses/ 3 Large Bubble Bars (back of tank)/ 90 Gallon Water Heater (left corner)/ 2 Digital Temp. Gages (left & right of tank)/ 2 Bio-Wheel Emperor 280 Filters/ (1 Bio-Wheel, filters 50 gallons of water)/ 2 Active Carbon Attachments/
55 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - 55 Gallon Fish Tank/ Black Background/ Small Black and Blue Rocks / Large Black Rocks/ 4 Lava Rocks/ Plastic Plants - White, Blue, Black/ 1 Snail Decoration (NO FISHING)/ 60 Gallon Air Pump/ Black Air Hoses/ 3 Large Bubble Bars (back of tank)/ 90 Gallon Water Heater (left corner)/ 2 Digital Temp. Gages (left & right of tank)/ 2 Bio-Wheel Emperor 280 Filters/ (1 Bio-Wheel, filters 50 gallons of water)/ 2 Active Carbon Attachments/

Rank Info

Ranked #2553 out of 5264 freshwater tanks pictures worldwide
This picture looks better than 51.5% of pictures in this category
10 1
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.97
This picture has been rated : 134 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.08

More Info

State: California
Country: United States
Description: I started my fish tank by placing 2, 50 gallon Bio-Wheel filters into my tank. Each filter is filtering 50 gallons of water and my fish tank is only 55 gallon. This means my tank is being filtered at double the rate it normally would with only one filter. I could have bought a larger filter but that was my mistake never the less having that extra 50 gallon filter is working to my benefit for several reasons. First off, my tank is being cycled twice as fast, less frequent water changes, over stock your tank (keep in mind if you decide to overstock your tank you will have to maintain regular water changes), the extra bio-wheels filter releases even more beneficial bacteria, your fish tank has a second filter running if one stops for some random reason and better water quality if you maintain your tank with the normal maintenance procedures. There are a few products I have invested my time researching and put money into that have kept my tank & fish looking great and healthy, free of harmful bacteria, and help generate fin repair, stronger colors, and less stressful environment. 1st - MelaFix which contains the natural botanical extract from the Tea Tree (Melaleuca, an excellent alternative to resistant strains of bacteria that are unaffected by traditional medications). Treats bacterial infections such as red ulcers, fin and tail rot, cloudy eyes, mouth fungus, and others in as little as 4 days. Also heals open wounds, ulcers, and damaged fins. MelaFix doesn't affect pH; safe for invertebrates. / 2nd NutraFin Cycle Biological Aquarium Supplement, this keeps your aquarium and fish healthy. Each dose releases massive amounts of beneficial bacteria that help reduce fish loss, mature new aquariums, and support healthy fresh and saltwater systems.
Advice: like everyone says... take your time as your desire grows for more fish and bigger fish tanks, realize that you are not going to get out of the hobby anytime soon and there is no rush for something you really want and there is no rush for something that takes time to appreciate more and more. half the time i want to rush this project and the other half knows that it is worth the wait to do something right and successful! enjoy your day!
Fish Kept: 1 dwarf gourami 3 ghost glass catfish 2 black skirt tetras 7 red eyed tetras 7 surpae tetras
Corals/Plants: plastic - black,white,blue plants
Tank Size: 55 gallons
Quote: fall alseep with ichy butt wake up with smelly fingure :)
About Yourself: i got into the hobby from my girlfriends friends and we continued to grow our passion from there... one day i will have a fish tank that people will sit in front of for hours like they do TV!


THAT IS AWSOME! defo giving you a 10 :D fish avatar
Nict tank, well setup fish avatar
Awesome tank, cool plants. well put together. fish avatar


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