Photo #15 - This Is My 120 Gallon Largemouth Bass Setup.

225 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - This is my 120 gallon Largemouth bass setup.
Submitted By: Brad on
Photo Caption: This is my 120 gallon Largemouth bass setup.
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225 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - background shot of my 225 gallon freshwater tank.
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freshwater fish - micropterus salmoides - largemouth bass stocking in 225 gallons tank - Some of my largemouth bass.
225 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - This is my 120 gallon Largemouth bass setup.
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225 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - Another tank shot
freshwater fish - protomelas taeniolatus - red empress stocking in 225 gallons tank - Red Empress

Rank Info

Ranked #1024 out of 5263 freshwater tanks pictures worldwide
This picture looks better than 80.54% of pictures in this category
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The Average Score for this category is: 4.13

More Info

State: Louisiana
Country: United States
Description: 225 gallon...72 x 24 x 30 3--6 foot actinics pro-clear aquatics sump mag 18 return mag 12 inside for circulation 270 lbs lace rock
Advice: Great hobby that becomes addicting.Do the research and don't rush.
Fish Kept: African cichlids
Corals/Plants: anubias,amazon swords
Tank Size: 225 gallons
Quote: .
About Yourself: Fishing-fish-aquariums-darts


Very nice! I have seen lots of ppl have bass b 4. but this setup it Awesome. fish avatar
very nice 120 reef ready tank . I have the same one and I love it .LOL w/ large mouths fish avatar
Hey Birchir.Just fed the bass about an hour ago.36 rosy reds and they destroyed all of them.Probably post the video tomorrow. fish avatar
Your a member on monsterfishkeepers aren't you. I've seen this same pic on their. I'm the member BichirAddict fish avatar
Description is from my 225.Do not know how to edit this write up. Anyway this is a 120 gallon largemouth bass set up soon to be sold to make way for a 280 gallon tank for the bass to get some growing room.Going to take about 5 months or so. fish avatar


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