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This picture looks better than 92.99% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.32
This picture has been rated : 124 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
More Info
United States
3 ornament, 55 gallon tank, Stand (I built), Background, Pure white sand, Digital thermometer, 2 24 inch glass canopy, 2 marineland 24 inch led's, 48 inch double t5 fixture, Actinic bulb, 10k bulb, Extra color-max bulb, 950 circulation fan, 500 circulation fan, 30 powerhead, 80 gallon fluval heater, Marineland 100 gallon canister, 2 6 plug timers, Auto feeder
Take building a tank slow don't rush it
Fish Kept:
1 Frontosa ciclid, 1 Black ghost knife, 1 African Leaf fish, 1 Dinosaur Bichir, 1 Ram ciclid, 3 kinds of Peacock ciclids, 3 electric blue ciclids, 4 electric yellow ciclids, 1 Afra ciclid, 2 Acei, 1 Angelica Boita, 2 Jack Dempsy, 2 African Featherfin catfish, 2 Black convicts (male and female), 1 rubber lip pleco, 1 Chinese algae eater, 2 Auratus ciclid (blue and yellow), 1 orange ciclid, 1Geophegus, peacock eel and moliro ciclid
14 fake plants
Tank Size:
55 gallons