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This picture looks better than 56.47% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.48
This picture has been rated : 23 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 7.13
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65g planted tank for those who are not big enough for the big tankfilters are fluval canister FX4 for 250 gallon and aquaclear 70 gallon HBF90g planted south asian tank with 2xaquaclear HBF 110gallon & aquaclear 70 g220g predator communauty tank with FX6 canister filter
plants are your best friend for good water quality
Fish Kept:
Fire Eel, Tire Track Eel, Spiny Eel, Ornate Bichir, Senegal Bichir, Clown Knife Fish, Clown Loach, Silver Arowana, Synodontis Eupterus Catfish, Upside Down Cat, Black, Tinfoil Red Tail Barb, Tiger Barb, Siamese Flying Fox, Koi Angel, Half Moon Betta, Axolotl
amazone stream and south asian river biotope
Tank Size:
220 gallons