Photo #2 - Here Is A Full View Of Our Aquarium As Of June. ...

Here is a full view of our aquarium as of June. As you can see, the moss has created a nice carpet in front of the rock cave and developed nicely on the driftwood. Also, the background plants have taken off nicely. Let us know what you think.
Submitted By: Heidi on
Photo Caption: Here is a full view of our aquarium as of June. As you can see, the moss has created a nice carpet in front of the rock cave and developed nicely on the driftwood. Also, the background plants have taken off nicely. Let us know what you think.

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55 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - Here is a closer look at our current setup. The plastic mesh contraption in front of the cave worked out great and the moss is beautiful.
55 gallons planted tank (mostly live plants and fish) - Here is a full view of our aquarium as of June. As you can see, the moss has created a nice carpet in front of the rock cave and developed nicely on the driftwood. Also, the background plants have taken off nicely. Let us know what you think.
corals inverts - atyopsis moluccensis - bamboo shrimp stocking in 55 gallons tank - Our Bamboo Shrimp. He hides in our bubbler and comes out at night. Awesome little critter! Bad News! This poor guy molted the other day and somebody picked on him in his fragile state. He is no more.

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Ranked #1346 out of 2712 planted tanks pictures worldwide
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The Average Score for this category is: 5.99

More Info

State: North Dakota
Country: United States
Description: All Glass Aquarium: Eheim 2215 Canister Filter: All Glass 200W Heater: Natural Rock: All Live lants: Driftwood: 110 W 2X55 High Output Power Compact Flourescent lighting (9000K): DIY CO2: Eco-Complete Substrate.
Advice: We have learned that researching the internet and getting advice from other hobbyists is very beneficial. Take any advice you can get. The forums are a great start.
Fish Kept: Guppies, Corydora, Pleco, Tiger Barb, Eastern Musk Turtle
Corals/Plants: Microsword, Amazon Sword Plant, Moneywort, Wisteria, Mondo Grass, Red Ludwigia, Red Temple, Java Moss.
Tank Size: 55 gallons
Quote: Graduating college in 4 years is like leaving a party at 11.
About Yourself: My fiance and I live in North Dakota. I am a Network Specialist and she is a Pharmacy Technician. We got into this hobby because we both loved fish as kids. Having never had more than a 5 gallon aquarium, we decided to jump into it again and absolutely love it.


Lovely tank! fish avatar
Hi guys, I love your tank. Beautiful set-up because of the great colour and texture contrasts. fish avatar
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