Photo #1 - 8000g Fish Only - Owned By Vincepits

175 gallons saltwater fish tank (mostly fish, little/no live coral) - 8000g fish only
175 gallons reef tank (mostly live coral and fish)
8000g fish only
Submitted By: vincepits on
Photo Caption: 8000g fish only

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175 gallons saltwater fish tank (mostly fish, little/no live coral) - 8000g fish only
175 gallons reef tank (mostly live coral and fish)

Rank Info

Top Rated Tank
Ranked #1 out of 575 saltwater fish tanks pictures worldwide
This picture looks better than 99.83% of pictures in this category
10 1
The Average Score for this picture is: 7.05
This picture has been rated : 214 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 2.33

More Info

State: Kansas
Country: United States
Description: lost this tank 12-28-04 due to ice storm we had in kansas
Tank Size: 175 gallons


Beautiful tank. Are you planning on putting one back? fish avatar
Very nice site! fish avatar
Hello! kckceag interesting kckceag site! I'm really like it! Very, very kckceag good! fish avatar
Hello! ddekeak interesting ddekeak site! I'm really like it! Very, very ddekeak good! fish avatar
Just Awsome!!! would love to have a set up like this..... fish avatar
its so awsome it almost looks fake, terrible loss sorry to hear it fish avatar words fish avatar
you AMAZING tank. One day i hope to own a tank like yours. rightfully number 1 worldwide. : ) fish avatar
nice fish avatar
thats a fuken awsome tank fish avatar
Mmmm, voted number one tank, pretty good for something that died five years ago. Sorry you lost it, with that kind money, work and love, I might have installed some kind of back up power system, if that is even possible with a tank of this size. fish avatar
Gorgeous. Sorry to hear it was lost fish avatar
hay can you tell me how or where you can get afish tank like that fish avatar
look at all the pretty plastic... fish avatar
maybe he owns the commercial building fish avatar
This tank is obviously in a commercial building, you can see the exit sign, I thought this site was for home/personal tanks, nice tank though. fish avatar
That is truley amazing, they have one that size at the fish place near me but its freshwater, i tell them everytime im there that they should turn it into a reef,about how much that run you for everything, livestock, equipment, maintance ect? fish avatar
hello my name is hunter! I like your fish tank it is put together well...where did you get yours at? I got mine whenever I went to Hawaii last year and it is really looking good.... fish avatar
this was destroyed in 2004, why should i even vote for a tank that doesnt exist anymore fish avatar
last time i left a comment i forgot to say AWSOMEE rock work u really have a really well put together tank !!!!! fish avatar
AWSOMEE tank but how big is it because i click on the pic and it says tank size 175 but i thought it was 8,000 gallons no matter what the size u have an awsome fish tank fish avatar
is it real coral? fish avatar
WOW!!!!! i dropped my jaws when i saw this! fish avatar
The 8000g is wonderful...commercial location? Yes, that '04 storm in KC was bad!!! We now have all my discus tanks hooked up to a backup generator system. fish avatar
very nice!!! fish avatar
where in kansas are you. have you replaced this tank yet? fish avatar
I should find some artist renditions of the Texas Craton from the early Cambrian, when Texas was completely underwater; a marine basin. It no longer exists, but as long as I have a pic. Plus, you can't beat an ocean. fish avatar
The rockwork is insane!!! fish avatar
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